Vanity of vanities

Kei Koba in CER, Kyoto University, Japan


Starvation effects on nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes of animals: an insight from meta-analysis of fasting experiments

Starvation effects on nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes of animals: an insight from meta-analysis of fasting experiments Hideyuki Doi, Fumikazu Akamatsu, Angélica L. González Royal Society Open Science http://rsos.royalsocietypublishing.…

Flux Analysis of Free Amino Sugars and Amino Acids in Soils by Isotope Tracing with a Novel Liquid Chromatography/High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Platform

Flux Analysis of Free Amino Sugars and Amino Acids in Soils by Isotope Tracing with a Novel Liquid Chromatography/High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Platform Yuntao Hu, Qing Zheng and Wolfgang Wanek Analytical Chemistry in press http://pubs…


この間U研にいって、土壌抽出 -- diffusion -- PO処理 まで教えてきましたが、なぜあそこまであれこれやるのか。 効率を上げるためです。 なぜ効率を上げるのか? * 早く終る。これは嬉しい。他のことに時間を使える* 時間が短いなら、もっと多くのサンプ…
