Vanity of vanities

Kei Koba in CER, Kyoto University, Japan




When undergrad students present their studies, typically, questions can be asked in several categories:

Methodology: Questions related to the methods used in the study, such as sample collection, data analysis, and statistical methods.

Results: Questions about the findings of the study, including the interpretation of the data and the conclusions that can be drawn from the results.

Background: Questions about the background of the study, including the rationale for the research, the literature review, and the context of the study.

Implications: Questions about the implications of the study, including the potential impact of the findings on future research and on practical applications in the field.

Critical thinking: Questions that are designed to encourage critical thinking, such as asking for alternative explanations for the results, or for potential limitations of the study.

Technical details: Questions related to the specific techniques or equipments used in the study and the accuracy and precision of the measurements.

Future work: Questions about potential future directions for the research, including suggestions for follow-up studies or future research questions.

It's important to note that the categories of questions may vary depending on the specific research topic and the audience.
